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Transparency of operations

Pursuant to art. 1, para. 125 of Law 124/2017 on grants, subsidies, benefits, contributions, or assistance in cash or in kind that is not of a general nature and is not of a quid pro quo, if salary or compensation types have received an amount exceeding €10,000.00 from public administrative authorities, the following must be observed:

In January, the company received an amount of €2,545.00 from the Ministry of Economic Development, based on a total contribution of €12,734.00 received pursuant to art. 2 of DL 69 of 2013 (so-called Nuova Sabatini). In relation to the second contribution received under the same scheme (a total of €6,703.00), €2,013.00 were collected in 2019.

In addition, as previously mentioned in relation to liabilities with banks, the company was able to benefit from the guarantee because the guarantee fund for small or medium-sized enterprises set up by Banca del Mezzogiorno, Mediocredito centrale s.p.a., which granted the loan of €1,000,000.00 taken out in 2018.

The gross grant equivalent (ESL) for the entire duration of the loan, i.e., from 31/12/2018 to 30/11/2028, amounts to €95,960.00. In 2019, the company has also received the amount of €347,244.00 from the Veneto region as a contribution for the implementation of the SPA Neró (POR FESR VENETO 2014-2020 measure 3.3.4 C).

Also, in 2019, the company received an amount of €2,585.00 for the digitalisation voucher (Legislative Decree no. 145 of 23/12/2013). For this item, please refer to the State Aid Register.